Monday, January 31, 2011

Week two Day 4- early mon day six

Day 4:
The ten's have Decided to watch romance movies at 4 a.m. Quite hilarious as they're identical in their pj's.

.2 started talking about how awesome his life is,ten was not amused and decided to go flirt with rose. .2 watched on and made a shushing noise.

Rose ate ten's waffles and has gotten horribly sick.

While all the sims were out I bought them a video game system, a new computer a new tub and a toilet that'll never break.

.2 decided to flirt with rose again. My sim walked in and yelled at him. Oops life's not so great now.

Ten made peanut butter sandwhiches for everyone. Then .2 broke the sink in the kitchen and bathroom.

Everyone is exhausted from work and is in bed at 6 p.m.

Day 5:
Everyone wakes up at 1 a.m.
Ten notices nine is up and decided to run to his bedroom.

Donna is a proud mama. She's watching ten and .2 talk about medications.

Ten's making waffle's I'm petrified. Hey they aren't that bad.

Everyone's at work again except nine who spent the whole day tinkering.

The ladies of the house turned in early. Nine's attacking the computer with a screwdriver and ten and .2 are talking again about cooking.

Ten's decided to cook again. He's made a mess.

.2 complained about needing sleep then hid behind a wall and called out for ten to come over before trying to scare him.

Day 6 before work:

Donna woke up at 3 a.m. And wanted to donate money to charity. This is like the 10th time she's asked. Such a nice woman.

Rose has woken up and decided to play a Videogame with Donna. They're both singing for some inexplicable reason.

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