Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week one days 6-7 Week two day 1

A mostly pictorial recap.
.2 Decided it'd be fun to not use a gas mask.

Nine decided to bang on the grill to "Make it better" Ten decided it'd be a good time cook (while I was distracted) My sim is writing "the unquiet dead" and Donna is just trying to get the hell out before something explodes.


Day Seven
Day seven started a bit peculiarly. As both .2 and Rose are flirty they tend to flirt with one another.
Ten abhors this. Rose just gets nervous he's going to go off again.

Having a staredown on their way to work. (While I break the tension with my snores)
After work Ten decided he needed to go into Donna and Nine's room and have a hissy fit at Rose. She strolled away and looked for someone to talk to.
Still writing the book and .2 is eating and not causing trouble for once.
Nine kind of shuts himself away from the insanity of the rest of the group when Donna's at work. Especially when the rest of the group is off doing this...
Rose decides to corner .2 as he's about to head for bed. Because of this Rose and my sim are mortal enemies, how lovely.
Ten walked in, woke me up and had his little I hate Rose bubble up for a good hour while he bathed.
Afterwords he sat watching horror movies while Nine tinkered the loo, he was helpful enough to bring ten some soup but left it in the middle of the floor.
Donna watches you sleep.
Donna called Ten over and they talked right at our bed.
Donna and Ten watch their technical spawn sleepspoon
Spent the day improving everyone's relationship status, As of the last play time no one is wanting for another partner, but in the Whohouse this seems to change.

For some reason Ten and Rose decided they couldn't flirt inside and ran outside behind the house to flirt.

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