Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Days One through five.

Day one
Ten tried to be helpful and make waffles for everyone. He started a fire. Apparently Ten can't cook. After everyone(Neighbors included) ran to the kitchen. They all were starting in horror before Nine and Rose whipped out fire extinguishers and saved the day (Minus the cost of a new stove)

The toilet broke. Nine rushed in stared at it then called ten in who stared at it then called .2 in who stared at it before ten whips out a plunger and starts going to town while .2 claps like a loon.

Left the room for two minutes and my Sim is making out with .2 So much for journalistic integrity my roommate just looks at me like what I didn't do it. They sleep together that night firmly in romantic interest territory.

Ten decides to keep rose from the bed. She falls asleep outside before I can give them a double bed. Poor dear didn't wake till the mailman came.

 Day two
The toilet breaks again. Nine has decided he wants to become a handyman. He goes around "fixing" things after breaking them.

Rose is still a bit sore at ten from the whole making her so exhausted she fell asleep outside episode, every conversation they have ends up in a fight.
Donna wishes to wohoo with nine, this is the first time of many.
 .2 Walks in on them right after and let out a scream before running out of the house, I fear he might've gone slightly mad.

I bought a New bed for Ten and Rose,Ten runs in enthused and breaks out into a dance. Rose is only slightly impressed.
Day 3
Everyone was out of the house looking for jobs. Everyone stays out of the house except for Myself (Who writes for a living) and Nine who had already joined the Military job.Nine tried to make waffles for everyone and almost burned down the house again. I've now banned waffles from being made.
Added on a half bath, Nine is enthused and begins to poke at the toilet.
Nine decides to spend his time exercising. When I stop him, he decides to go at it again. I force him to take a shower. Donna gets home from work and wishes to woohoo with him. She does and he falls asleep.
 Two hours later she gets the wish again, and wakes him to woohoo again.

Day 4
After a squabble over the bathroom I've added another full bath just off the living room, as well as bought them an HDTV.

Donna wants to become best friends with Rose, they spend most of the day chatting before Rose too wishes to become friends with Donna.
Afterwords Ten starts speaking to Donna then Nine rolls up and pops her a kiss in the middle of the conversation, he seems quite Angry at his younger self for interrupting his conversation with his best mate.

After Nine Takes Donna away for a little woohoo! time he pops over to .2 and my sim's conversation. It turns flirty and Ten acts as if he's about to snap his doppleganger in half.He stormed away and had some icecream to eat.

Ten and Rose are still fighting. He attempts to spend the latter part of the day wooing her with deep thoughts and flirting, they go to bed and she refuses his efforts to woohoo! with her. 

 Day five
Nine spends all day tinkering on a tub and ends up working himself to exhaustion despite my best efforts to get him to stop. He'd take care of himself then go back to tinkering. He fell asleep in the shower, hammer still in hand. Donna walked in and gave him a good one over before giving up and going to bed without waking him.

Rose runs over to .2 and starts flirting with him, my sim apparently being the jealous type called  .2 over for a woohoo! their first actually, Great way to start a relationship...

Ten has it out with rose over her flirting with his other self before they apologized and both exhausted fall asleep on the bed. 

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