Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Entry Number One

Hello and welcome to the insanity.
My name is Amber.
After receiving a copy of the xbox 360 version of sims 3 for christmas I was struck with the idea to make a doctor who house.
(As such this blog will mostly be recounts through words as there's no way to screencap a 360)

As the Game limits the amount of slots to fill I have the Ninth, Tenth, and Ten.Two for the doctors.
On the Companion side we have Donna (Currently Married to Nine), Rose (Currently Married to Ten) and after leaving the game open while running some errands for a neighbor, Myself (My roommate uses the explanation someone has to be in that house to document the goings on.)

So far I'm three days into sims life with this brood. and they're a strong willed bunch, often ignoring what I tell them to do to hilarious ends.

I hope you Enjoy reading about these who sims as much as I'm enjoying Lording over them Guiding them in the correct direction.

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