Monday, February 7, 2011

Day six

Just a short day as today was a quick play in and play out between schedules.

The boys are asleep, the girls are all up playing video games.

Rose and my sim get hungry and decide to eat whilst talking.
My sim mentions a Teddy bear and rose freaks out. Even worse enemies, wonderful.

Rose runs to look at herself in the bathroom mirror and ten walks in relieving himself, she looks over then back to her reflection thinking of how she loves him.

.2 broke the toilet. Nine is already at work so he just leaves it be.

.2 donated blood while at work and received a $1 hr raise. Huzzah! Nine received the same raise.

Donna has come home from work discovering the clogged and still overrunning toilet. Somehow she knows it was .2 that did it. She looks as if she's about to throttle him.

Nine and rose received promotions.

Nine gets home and decides to do athletics and wishes to skip work tomorrow.